Nissan Kaplan has brought vast educational experience with him to Shuvu. While teaching Talmud in the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva “Netiv Meir” for close to 40 years, he also directed the entire Judaic studies department and supervised the matriculation examinations (Bagrut) in the school. In 1990 Rabbi Kaplan got involved with the Russian population serving as director of “Tikvateinu” – a Ministry of Education Ulpan for Russian Olim in Jerusalem. During the 15 years that he directed the Ulpan, the thousands of Russian Olim that attended learned Hebrew and benefitted from the Jewish Heritage content which he added to the syllabus.
Many couples in the Ulpan had Rabbi Kaplan remarry them in a Jewish ceremony instead of their previous civil one. Rabbi Kaplan has also been a Ministry of Education tester in Talmud for the Matriculation Exams throughout Israel for the past 30 years. With his experience in both the Israeli school system and with Russian Olim, it was only natural for Rabbi Kaplan to eventually join the Shuvu network. He now serves as Shuvu’s High School supervisor and also oversees the elementary schools in the North and South of Israel. He visits each school at least once a month and tests the children to ensure that Shuvu’s high educational standards are being maintained.
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